
The team of the Infectious Diseases Unit participates in the 22nd edition of the National Congress of the Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology

On May 24, the 22nd edition of the National Congress of the Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology was held in Bilbao, which beat the record in both attendance and communications presented.

During three days different conferences, workshops and symposia took place on the most current topics in the field of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology. Among them, he highlighted the importance of infections caused by multiresistant microorganisms that have become a topic of international interest in recent years due to the difficulty in their treatment and, consequently, their potential seriousness. In addition, new recently approved therapeutic options were presented that raise hope for this challenge for clinicians and microbiologists.

On the other hand, the need to create a training specialty in Infectious Diseases, as well as to improve the training program of the specialty of Clinical Microbiology in the case of the approval of the core during the specialized health training, also became very important; both topics reached their maximum exponent in a round table formed, among others, by Professor Jean-Paul Stahl, president of the Unit of Infectious and Tropical Diseases of Grenoble (France) and Mr. Carlos Moreno, general director of Professional Organization in the Ministry of Health.

Once again, the MútuaTerrassa University Hospital was well represented with the presentation of five posters: "Absence of genetic relationship between strains of C.difficile of a nosocomial outbreak." Observational study ", presented by María López, nurse of the Control Team of Infection; "Nosocomial outbreak of influenza B in pre-epidemic period in a hospitalization of complex chronic patients", presented by Dr. Meritxell Obradors "Infectious complications associated with treatment with inhibitors of tyrosine kinase in oncohematological patients", presented by the Dr. Beatriz Dietl; "Non-tuberculous mycobacteria (MNT) in a general hospital in a period of six years, retrospective study" and "Program for detection and treatment of Chagas disease in a general hospital" both presented by Dr. Xavier Martínez Lacasa, the three physicians of the Unit of Infectious Diseases (UEI) of the Internal Medicine Service.

The team from the Infectious Diseases Unit also made two oral communications: "Importance of viral coinfection in the clinical evolution of pneumococcal pneumonia and in the density of nasopharyngeal colonization by pneumococcus" presented by Dr. Lucía Boix and "Significance of the limit values ​​(<1 IU / ml) of Quantiferon TB Gold in tube (QF-GIT) in non-cohabiting patients of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis ", by Dr. Xavier Martínez Lacasa.

Dr. Esther Calbo has collaborated on three posters of multicentre studies: "Evaluation of the suitability of empirical antibiotic treatment in a prospective cohort of bacteremia due to Escherichia coli of urinary origin" within the PROA-VINCAT program, led by Dr. Juan Pablo Horcajada, from Hospital del Mar; "Evolution of hospital incidence and morbidity and mortality associated with sepsis in Catalonia during the period 2005 to 2016" and "Estimation of the economic impact and the use of health resources of patients with sepsis in Catalonia during the years 2015 to 2016", all two led by Dr. Juan Carlos Yébenes, Hospital Mataró. We must also highlight the role of Dr. Calbo as coordinator of the TV of said congress where extracts of the most relevant conferences and interviews with the speakers and assistants were recorded.

  • Dr. Xavier Martinez Lacasa
  • Dr. Beatriz Dietl
  • dr. ester calbo