
Dr. Alejandro Amor defends his doctoral thesis on the urgent care of patients with profound intellectual disability

Last Friday, January 19, Dr. Alejandro Amor Salamanca presented his doctoral thesis "Urgent care that people affected by a profound intellectual disability receive general hospitals: a comparative study with the general population" at the University Hospital of Bellvitge. Dr. José Manuel Menchón Magriñá, head of the psychiatry service of this center, was in charge of directing it.

The work, which has received a Cum Laude qualification, consists of a comparative study between emergency room visits of general hospitals of people with a profound intellectual disability (DIP) and the general population that also goes to the emergency room - for any reason in both cases- and then the subsequent hospital admissions, for both populations.

The thesis is the result of the confluence of the following interests: the treatment that people with a DIP receive in the emergencies of the general hospitals -constate on either side of them and during their possible stay later in the hospital-; in close relationship with their interpersonal communication problems, where nuclear autistic symptoms, among others, play a fundamental role associated with the DIP.

The data obtained in the study have been published in two scientific articles, both published in the Journal of Intellectual Disability Research (JIDRO) in the course of last 2017. This is a publication specialized in intellectual disability, with an impact factor of 1.99. for the last year calculated (2016) and it is located in the first decile of its category.

The court was formed by Dr. Antonio Labad Alquézar, professor emeritus of psychiatry and former director of the Psychiatric Hospital Pere Mata de Reus (president), Dr. José Manuel Crespo Blanco, assistant psychiatrist at the psychiatry service of the University Hospital of Bellvitge (secretary) and Dr. Salvador Listar, until a few months ago coordinator of the residential centers of the Vallparadís Foundation and currently responsible for the master's degree at the Abat Oliva University in Barcelona (vocal).