
MútuaTerrassa will host the pre-release of the documentary on autism "Freshwater fish (in salt water)"

It will be next October 15 in the auditorium and will premiere on Televisió de Catalunya on October 6

The Catalan Federation of Autism (FECA) has recently produced a documentary on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in which Dr. Amaia Hervás, psychiatrist and coordinator of the Child and Juvenile Psychiatry Unit of HUMT, intervenes.

This is a report that will be released on TV3 on Tuesday, October 6, as part of the "Sense Ficció" program. Previously, MútuaTerrassa will host a preview, which is scheduled for next Monday, October 15 at 7:30 pm, in the MútuaTerrassa room of the Teaching Building.

Directed by Marc Serena and Biel Mauri, the work puts on the table how families live a diagnosis of ASD, the answers given by schools and public health, among others, and the constant struggle against stigma and labels that are daily Today, people with autism still crawl.

Apart from the screening, the event also includes the celebration of a round table in which Dr. Hervás will participate, represented by various associations of autism, the directors of the documentary itself and probably also intervene some of its protagonists and family members.

It is a free projection and open both to the professionals of the entity as well as to the residents of the city and its surroundings.