
Plos One and Journal of Translational Medicine echo the diabetes prevention project from the Primary Care DP-TRANSFERS

The DP-TRANSFERS project (Diabetes Prevention-Transferring findings from European research to society) aims to transfer to the usual clinical practice of Primary Care a model of intensive intervention on lifestyles that has already been shown to be effective in reducing the incidence of diabetes in people at risk.

This is a project in which all the Primary Care Centers of the entity participate, under the coordination of Dr. Teresa Mur, director of CAP Rubí, and of which two prestigious international journals with a high impact factor have already been published. echo: Plos One, a scant month ago and the Journal of Translational Medicine, last 2016. They refer to the first year of development and study design respectively, without results yet.

Since 2015, the driving group, headed by Dr. Mur and Dr. Bernardo Costa Pinel, principal investigator of DP-TRANSFERS and coordinator of the diabetes and prediabetes studies group of the Primary Care Research Institute (IDIAP) Jordi Gol, implements the project through 90 associated centers and 380 professionals from all over Catalonia. In addition, he has received numerous awards and grants, including the prize for the best education project of the Spanish Diabetes Society, FIS-ICII 2014, PERIS and a Marató scholarship.