
Mª Emilia Gil explains to Corresponsables the involvement of MútuaTerrassa in terms of Social Responsibility

The recognition by the Avedis Donabedian Foundation with the Award for the best information Actions in Social Responsibility in Health Institutions fostered the interest of Corresponsables towards the task of MútuaTerrassa in the field of Social Responsibility. This will was concretized with an interview with Mrs. Mª Emilia Gil, attached to the general direction of MútuaTerrassa, it was released on May 18.

In the course of the interview Ms. Gil talks about the history of the entity in this area and explains the close correlation between values, corporate identity and social commitment. In this sense it also refers to the accession of MútuaTerrassa to the Global Compact, in 2008, and the subsequent creation of the Mutual Committee and Society.

In reference to the CSR strategy, Ms. Gil puts in value that the entity at all times places the person at the center of its actions, being its reason for being. It talks about the channels and tools that are used to communicate social responsibility actions and also about the route that the last reports have taken - seven have already been presented - in the sense that, in addition to gathering initiatives, many actions they are measures and respond to GRI standards of a universal nature.

In the last part, Ms. Gil makes reference to some of the good practices developed within the entity - the "Born to read" project, the edition of books promoting healthy habits or the social dining room through the which promotes inter-generational relations- and also refers to the future projects of the entity in terms of social responsibility.

Asked about the role of CSR in the health sector, Ms. Gil explains that it is not a key requirement of the sector, although recently the entities have become aware of this and now consider it as an element of communication.

Read the interview