
The first baby of Catalonia this year is born in the Mútua Terrassa University Hospital

This is Emma Romero Martín and she came into the world when 13 minutes passed after midnight

On January 1, the HUMT became an important media focus due to the fact that it hosted the birth of the first baby of the year in Catalonia. This was Emma Romero Martín, who was born after eleven hours of childbirth. Daughter of Nuria and José, neighbors of Rubí and new parents, weighed 3,350kg and was born almost a quarter of one in the morning.

Emma, ​​despite being in perfect health, spent a few days in the incubator of the Neonatal Unit, the result of the many hours of delivery to which she was subjected. The family was visited by the Vice President of the Government and Minister of Economy, Pere Aragonés as well as the mayor of Terrassa, Alfredo Vega.