
The ninth edition of the endoscopic surgery training course was held with about fifteen participants

Nearly a fortnight of resident surgeons from the Vall d'Hebrón Hospital, the Parc Taulí Health Corporation, the Santa Creu i Sant Pau Hospital, the St. Joan Despí Hospital, Moisés Broggi and the Sanitari Consortium of Terrassa participated in the mid February in the training course of endoscopic surgery taught by the professionals of the General Surgery Service of HUMT.

It is the ninth edition that is taught in our center and is organized by the section of Endoscopic Surgery of the Spanish Association of Surgeons in conjunction with the HUMT with the aim that residents can interact with surgeons from other centers and share knowledge and good practices.

The course in question consisted of a theoretical part about laparoscopic surgery (bases, technical aspects, control of complications, innovations ...) and endoscopic surgery and a practical part of simulated training and practices with laparoscopic simulators ("pelvitrainers"). The training program also included a collaboration and assistance session in interventions in the operating room.