
Ms. Esther Guerrero explains on Terrassa Radio the benefits of breastfeeding

The morning magazine "El Submarí" of the Municipal Radio of Terrassa interviewed, on June 28, the speaker in charge of the third conference of the cycle "Els Dijous de Mútua" this year: Mrs. Esther Guerrero

The radio interview, which was used to present the afternoon conference and to make pedagogy about breastfeeding, discussed why it is convenient to breastfeed, the benefits, false contradictions of breastfeeding or the keys to get it to be successful.

In this sense, he also addressed the most convenient diet to follow during the lactation period, the responsibility of the entities and health agents and other aspects on how to start breastfeeding or the need for a proper rest of the mother with in order to favor it.

Interview Ràdio Terrassa