
Dr. Fernández Bañares coordinates a multicenter study on budesonide therapy in collagen colitis

Dr. Fernando Fernández-Bañares, physician of the Digestion Service of the HUMT and the research group of the service that belongs to the Center for Medical Research in the Network of Liver and Digestive Diseases (CIBERehd), has recently conducted a study that has made it possible to progress in the knowledge of the treatment of Collagen Colitis, a type of microscopic Colitis that is characterized by chronic watery diarrhea - mainly to older women - with a significant alteration of their quality of life. The work has recently been published in the prestigious European Journal Digestive Liver Diseases.

The study suggests that low-dose budesonide is effective in maintaining long-term clinical remission in a majority of patients with collagenous colitis. In this regard, it shows that low doses of budesonide are effective in maintaining long-term clinical remission in 80% of patients.

It is noteworthy that 20% of patients required high doses of budesonide (6 mg / d or more) for maintenance of remission. The work shows that this dose should be considered too high for a long-term treatment, taking into account the risk of side effects associated with its use (mainly osteoporosis and fracture). The study shows that it is necessary to evaluate alternative treatments in these patients with dependence on budesonide.

It should be borne in mind that collagenous colitis is not an all too common disease in our setting, and that large-scale European multicenter studies will be necessary to definitively validate these results.

The 'Spanish Group of microscopic colitis' coordinated by Dr. Fernández-Bañares began its activity in March 2014, after conducting a multicenter study on risk factors for microscopic colitis (RECOMINA study). This is the group's fourth publication in international journals with impact factor.

Read article Collagenous colitis: Requirement for high-dose budesonide as maintenance treatment