
Dr. Jordi Nicolás participates as a speaker in the 1st multidisciplinary forum on bacterial resistances

The Constitutional Chamber of the Congress was the site chosen for the SEIMC (Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology), the SEFH (Spanish Society of Hospital Pharmacy) and the SEMPSPH (Spanish Society of Preventive Medicine, Public Health and Hygiene) for the presentation of the first multidisciplinary forum focused on the threat posed by bacterial resistance to Public Health. The interventions were grouped into two blocks, one focused on the problem and the other on possible solutions.

The forum was attended by expert professionals from the three societies and study groups most involved in the problem, including Dr. Jordi Nicolás, Head of the Pharmacy Service of HUMT.

During his speech Dr. Nicolás influenced the use and consumption of antibiotics by citizens and what is the contribution in the resistances of these. One of the most relevant problems is the inadequate prescriptions and the lack of strategies, especially directed to both the hospital setting and primary care, which is where 90% of antibiotics are prescribed. According to the collected data, the prescription of antibiotics in Europe is at 21.9 DHD and in Spain it is above 32.5DHD, being the second country with the highest prescription of antibiotics. It is worth highlighting the efficiency and safety that has been provided by programs such as the PROA, which has slowed down this overprescription and the resistances.

Dr. Nicolás ended his presentation by emphasizing the measures that needed to be directed towards professionals, society and the pharmaceutical company.