
The Vallparadís MútuaTerrassa Foundation, recognized in Dublin at the 17th International Conference on Integrated Care

The work in question is about the direct circuit created between the residence Casa Vapor Gran and the Unit of Subagudos de Sociosanitario Vallparadís.

The work "Integration of resources for the care of people with chronic diseases at nursing home", developed by several professionals of the Fundación Vallparadís MútuaTerrassa, was recently recognized at the 17th International Conference on Integrated Care held last May in Dublin.

The work was selected among the 5 best of the line "Solutions for better care transitions" and addresses the particularities of the direct circuit created between the residence Casa Vapor Gran MútuaTerrassa and the Unit of Subagudos de Sociosanitario Vallparadís. "It was presented orally In a classroom open to all conference attendees and also exhibited in poster format.

The objectives pursued are: to improve care for the residents of Casa Vapor Gran with complex chronic diseases in the context of integral and integrated care; To avoid frequent visits to the emergency services and the admission or stay in the acute hospital of intermediate-care tax residents and to enhance the adequacy of resources and the efficiency of the health system.

Susana Lamana, welfare coordinator of MútuaTerrassa's Sociosanitary Service Area, Mireia Cos, director of Casa Vapor Gran, Jaume Sanahuja, director of Sociosanitario Vallparadís and Raquel González, supervisor of nursing at the same center are the authors.

The Vallparadís MútuaTerrassa Foundation has a career of 26 years and is specialized in the care of people with dependency, seniors, people with intellectual disabilities and mental illnesses as well as those who go through long-term care processes or convalescences.