On the 9 and 10 March, the Gynaecology and Obstetrics Department of the MútuaTerrassa University Hospital (HUMT) is organising a course, based on theory and practice, aimed at providing in-depth knowledge on functional and morphology ultrasound of the pelvic floor. This course will present this technique as a mechanism that complements and improves the study of pathology in this field.
Functional and morphology ultrasound of pelvic floor 6th edition

The theory-based session will be held in MútuaTerrassa’s Edifici Docent from 9am to 6pm. For the first time ever, on 10 March a practice-based session will be held, limited to 26 participants who have experience working with the pelvic floor ultrasound. This session will be based on the analysis of complex practical cases and a live ultrasound to provide training in the use of 4Dview software and the processing of offline volumes.
The scientific community’s growing interest in this technique has transformed the ultrasound into a useful and easily accessibly tool for professionals who treat this disease. HUMT is a pioneer in researching the applications of ultrasound for the pelvic floor.
Although this ultrasound technique largely belongs to the field of research, it can be used as a priority instrument in many other areas. Faced with this reality and based on proven scientific evidence from various publications in prestigious international journals, the Gynaecology and Obstetrics Department of MútuaTerrassa University Hospital decided to organise this 6th edition of the course led by Dr. Antoni Pessarrodona, head of the department, and Dr. Jordi Cassadó, clinical head of that same department.
Among other professionals from HUMT, doctors from other centres will also participate including Dr. Montserrat Espuña from Hospital Clinic of Barcelona and Dr. Maria J. Barco from the Bolonia Gynaecology Centre of Zaragoza. In terms of attendance, around ninety professionals are expected to participate in the conference.
To register, please contact:
Ms Ascen Troncho
Ph. +34 93.736.50.50 Ext. 13932
Registration fee and information:
€200 for Thursday session, 9 March
€300 for both sessions on the 9 and 10 March
Spots limited to 26 Reservations for the session on 10 March are mandatory. Please, request your spot by sending an email to atroncho@mutuaterrassa.es
Requests will be accepted on a first come first served basis.
Bank details for paying fees: ES37-2100-0087-60-0200474549
Reference number: 55400-00000012
09/03/2017 - Functional and morphology ultrasound of pelvic floor 6th edition
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