
Dr. Gemma Muñoz defends her thesis on the benefit of genetic diagnostic techniques in osteoarticular infections by negative plasmacoagulases

On September 28, Dr. Gemma Muñoz defended her doctoral thesis "Value of genotyping in the microbiological diagnosis of Plasma Neoplastic Negative Staphylococcus Infections in Orthopedic Surgery" at the Teaching Unit of Germans Trias i Pujol Hospital. This is a work that has at the moment received the qualification of Excellent(pending Cum Laude) and has been led by Dr. Josep Anton Capdevila, associate physician of the Internal Medicine service of the Hospital of Mataró and Dr. Mª Luisa Pedro -Botet, chief of the Infectious Diseases Unit of Germans Trias i Pujol Hospital.

The thesis is based on a study that has been made entirely in the HUMT with the close collaboration of CATLAB and deals with the benefit that genetic diagnostic techniques can offer compared to the conventional ones in the diagnosis of osteoarticular infections by negative plasmacoagulases and its application in clinical practice.

The work demonstrates that the application of molecular techniques may be especially useful in detecting false positives of infection of staphylococcal plasmocoagulase negative, detected by conventional techniques. This fact implies that some interventions and prolonged antibiotic treatments of certain patients could be saved. In addition, these techniques also allow for the diagnosis of more cases of infection, which would entail early treatment in these patients who, if not treated, would be at risk of chronic infection.

The court in charge of evaluating the thesis was Dr. Miquel Sabrià, senior consultant at the Germans Trias i Pujol Hospital and Professor of Medicine at UAB (President), Dr. Miquel Falguera, chief of the Internal Medicine Service at Arnau Hospital of Vilanova de Lleida and professor at the University of Lleida (secretary) and Dr. Alex Soriano, chief of the Infectious Diseases service at the Hospital Clínico and full professor at the Autonoma University of Barcelona.

Dr. Muñoz began her career at the HUMT in 2004 as a resident of the Internal Medicine service. In 2008 he performed a rotation in Switzerland with a referent group of osteoarticular infection and the result of this experience and his training as a specialist in Internal Medicine, he has collaborated with the Unit of Septic Pathology of the Locomotive Apparatus (Upsala) of the HUMT. After completing his residency, he worked as an adjunct physician at the Oncology service and later at the Emergency Department, a service he began to direct just one year ago.