
MútuaTerrassa, present at the General Assembly of the Global Compact

Last Thursday, June 14, the Global Compact held its General Assembly in an act chaired by Ms. Lise Kingo, executive director of the United Nations Global Compact, and attended by about a hundred members, including those that MútuaTerrassa. Recall that of the 2,400 entities in Spain, only 71 belong to the health sector and in the case of Catalonia only 18 entities belong to this area. MútuaTerrassa is the only one in Catalonia in this sector that has the highest level of "Advanced" reporting and in Spain there are only 3.

The meeting emphasized the involvement of the state business fabric in the challenges posed by the 2030 Agenda, the road map that lists the objectives of the international community for the period from 2016 to 2030 to promote sustainable development. Mª Emilia Gil, attached to the general management of the entity, attended on behalf of MútuaTerrassa, which has adhered to the United Nations Global Compact since last year 2009.

The president of the Spanish Network of the Global Compact, Mr. Ángel Peso thanked in his opening speech the commitment of all companies, SMEs and entities that are part of the network for the fact of believing in the need to contribute their bit for sustainable development.

For her part, Ms. Kingo spoke about the work developed by the network and referred to the fact that it serves as a "model of inspiration" for other local networks. It also highlighted the projection that the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) offer for any entity and highlighted the importance of the platforms promoted by the United Nations to bring companies together around specific challenges. Finally, Kingo launched a message about the power that each individual has to be an active part of this global change.

Recall that last December MútuaTerrassa reached -for the third consecutive year- the highest level of reporting "Global Compact Advanced" with the presentation of its seventh report of social commitment for the year 2016. For the second consecutive year, the document incorporates the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDOs) defined by the United Nations, where the 64 initiatives are linked with the purpose of highlighting the actions that MútuaTerrassa professionals develop beyond their direct responsibility.

  • Linse-Kingo-president-global-compact
  • Maria-emilia-gil-global-compact
  • sala-assembly-global-compact