
Home education in the management of inhalers and the Missed Gastric Cancer (MGC), winners of the II edition of Resident Research Prize

"Effectiveness of a community intervention in the management of inhalers in patients with chronic respiratory disease included in the home care program" and "Prevalence and clinical characteristics of the Missed Gastric Cancer" are the two winning works of the II edition of Resident Research Prize, Promoted by the Teaching Committee of the Hospital Universitario MútuaTerrassa to support and enhance the effort and interest of residents in the field of research. Both have been deserving of a prize of € 1000 respectively.

Míriam del Carmen Garcia and Marta Rodríguez (Nurses of Family and Community Infermance, R2) are the authors of the work related to inhalers and that on May 18 were also recognized in the 23rd edition of the Nursing Award. With their work, they show that education in the management of inhalers in patients treated at home with chronic respiratory disease improves their results in terms of health.

On the other hand, Dr. Bea Arau López de Sagredo (in this case R4 of the Digestology service - at the time of the work - and current assistant physician of the service), developed a work on the MGC, the objective of which was to evaluate The rate of "Missed Gastric Cancer" (MGC) in the HUMT and the clinical characteristics of these patients and previous gastroscopies.

The rate of MGC in the studied medium was 6.5%. According to the results, a meticulous exploration of the gastric cavity (especially fundus and subcardial area), explorations with sedation and the use of high quality endoscopies could help to reduce this percentage.