
The PADES team of Sant Cugat, present at the 7th Congress of the Spanish Society of Wounds (SEHER)

At the end of February the Spanish Society of Wounds celebrated the seventh edition of its annual congress, which counted with the participation of nearly 500 attendees. Among the various professionals who took part is Mr. Sánchez, nurse of the PADES team (Program of Home Care and Support Teams) of St. Cugat, who participated with the presentation "Wounds and end of life: a challenge at home".

This was held within the framework of a round table focused on the multidisciplinary approach of wounds in the social healthcare context. The conference dealt with the treatment of neoplastic wounds and those related to dependence in end-of-life patients. In this sense, Mr. Sánchez explained -among others- that in this context the priority is to achieve the comfort of care, without the need for healing as a final goal.