
MútuaTerrassa exposes its experience as a Healthy Company in an expert forum

Last Wednesday, July 4, MútuaTerrassa shared his experience as a Healthy Company within the framework of the "Employee Welfare in the Company" day. It was a meeting of experts in Occupational Health organized by PRL Innovation, an association that promotes the culture of innovation in the field of prevention with the aim of promoting real initiatives for healthy people and businesses.

In this regard, Mr.Lluis Autonell, responsible for the Occupational Health Department of MútuaTerrassa, together with Dr. Susana González, coordinator of the medical service of said department, intervened. They exposed the program of Healthy Company of MútuaTerrassa, understood as a service to the worker and concretely shared the campaigns of prevention and early detection of frequent cancers directed to the workers and that the entity deployed during the year 2017.

During the presentation, they explained the experience of deploying a cross-sectional project at the entity level and highlighted the collaboration of expert health services such as the medical services collaborating with the program (Gynecology and Obstetrics, Radiology, Dermatology, Digestology, Urology and Endocrinology and Nutrition). However, they also placed emphasis on the other departments of the entity that have actively collaborated in the program (Department of Communication and Internal Services).

The day was held at the headquarters of Naturgy in Barcelona and counted on the experiences of companies such as Grifols, Gaes, Sanofi, Sanitas, Caixabank, Bayer, Suez, among others.