
Dr. Trenado talks about the new UCI on Radio Terrassa and Radio Estel

Coinciding with the inauguration of the new Intensive Care Unit of HUMT last February, Radio Terrassa and Radio Estel showed their interest in interviewing Dr. Trenado, head of the Intensive Medicine service and the UCI, to learn more in depth this new space.

In the case of Radio Terrassa, he was interviewed in the morning magazine "El Submarino" on the 19th and as for Radio Estel, the interview was broadcast within the framework of the "Todos somos igual" program on the 28th.

In both cases, Dr. Trenado spoke about the paradigm shift of the new ICU in terms of focusing the focus on the patient and their relatives, placing them at the center of management and care. In this sense, he referred to this more humanized way of understanding the ICU and also explained the flexibility in the access schedules as well as the fact of facilitating the family's accompaniment and improvement of the patient's well-being and privacy.

More technically, Dr. Trenado also mentioned that currently the unit has wider and more functional spaces and autonomous control tools on light or temperature -which directly affect the privacy and comfort of the patient-. It also addressed the increase in the provision of beds from 12 to 14 and the possibility of treating up to 20 patients in cases of need arising from exceptional situations.

Regarding the boxes, Dr. Trenado explained that they are equipped with doors and windows with the ability to darken and allow control of the amount of light as well as temperature autonomously. He also referred, among others, to the tools for controlling environmental noise and the artificial lighting system, which favor a calmer environment and facilitate nighttime rest.

Link to the Radio Terrassa interview

Link to the Radio Estel interview