
Dr. Judit Novo holds a conference on the detection of disorders linked to juvenile suicide

Last Saturday, May 19, the Espacio Brossa-La Seca in Barcelona was the setting for the theatrical performance of the play "Do not forget me ever", focused on youth suicide and based on real testimonies surviving this experience.

At the end of the work, a colloquium was held in which Dr. Novo, family physician of the CAP Terrassa Sur, was invited with the purpose of explaining the task that -as family doctors- professionals develop in the face of this problem.

During the colloquium, Dr. Novo explained how anxious and / or depressive disorders can be detected (strongly linked to this problem) and, thus, be able to prevent as far as possible fatal outcomes. Suicide is the first cause of unnatural death among young people, ahead of traffic accidents.

The work is directed by Lázaro García and performed by Elies Barberà and Marta Montil, with the collaboration of Edu Vásquez