
The Xarxa de Comunicació Local interviews Soledad Castillo about cognitive therapy

Last Wednesday, May 2, the magazine "La tarda" of the Local Communication Network - through the associated station - interviewed Ms. Castillo to deepen knowledge of cognitive therapy. It was a radio talk prior to the conference he gave at St. Cugat that afternoon about it.

In the course of the interview, Ms. Castillo explained that it is a cognitive therapy and referred to it as a fairly generalized model in clinical practice. He also spoke about how this therapy is applied in the case of people suffering from schizophrenia or bipolar disorder as well as family and psychoeducational interventions and the training of social skills associated with this therapy.

Finally, Mrs. Castillo also explained that the will of this therapy is to understand the patient and his way of perceiving and providing tools that contribute to diminish the symptoms that derive from his disorder. He referred to the effectiveness of it as long as it is carried out in combination with pharmacotherapy.

Program "La Tarda"