
Dr. Laia Asso talks about positive fatherhood in FerSalut magazine

The latest issue of the magazine FerSalut, the publication promoted by the Catalan Association of Association-Based Entities (ACEBA) with the aim of preventing diseases and promoting healthy habits of the population, includes an interview with Dr. Laia Asso, which It deals with the salient aspects linked to positive fatherhood.

According to the Council of Europe, for positive fatherhood we understand "the behavior of fathers and mothers that is established in the best interest of the child and that watches over their care and the development of their abilities, avoiding violence and giving recognition and guidance or according to established limits that allow their growth as a person ".

In this sense, Dr. Asso talks about the importance of stories, as a mechanism that enables parents and children to share leisure time, help the little ones to transmit messages and, at the same time, invite them to talk about aspects that may Anguish using fictional characters.

Throughout the interview, Dr. Asso also discusses the recommendations of positive fatherhood when dealing with certain risk behaviors. In this sense, he explains that the well-applied axes of this paternity protect against eating disorders and that they have an impact on children's safety levels when faced with toxic substances, for example.

Finally, Dr. Asso also refers to the factor of "tranquility" during meals in order to contribute positively to communication and to promote moments of exchange of experiences between parents and children.

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