
The Les Arenes day center gets the first Prize of the XXIII Adapted Sports Games for the elderly of Terrassa

Last Friday, June 1st, the 23rd edition of the Adapted Sports Games for Seniors of Terrassa Championship was held in the Auditorium of the Civic Center Montserrat Roig. It is a competition that has a playful and pedagogical sense in which older people from several residences of the city participate.

This year eleven centers participated, among them the Las Arenas day center of the Vallparadís Foundation. During the morning activities were carried out that put to the test the psychomotor skills of the participants and their degree of agility, accuracy and precision. And the center of Matagalls Street was the winner. The Ca N'Anglada Day Center and the Gran Vapor House also participated in the Vallparadís Foundation.

The act was opened with the opening speech of the Sports Games and ribbon cutting by the Councilor for Social Services and President of the Municipal Council of District 2, Ms. Grace Garcia. Mrs. Consuelo Gallart, of Promotion of the Elderly was in charge of delivering the prizes and delivering the diplomas to the participants.