
The radio program "Sant Cugat a fons" interviews Dr. Josep Mª Llonch

The morning magazine "Sant Cugat a fons" on Wednesday, October 4th, invited Dr. Llonch to explain to the listeners of radio the most common pathologies in children and adults affecting our eyesight, how to prevent them and, if they are already diagnosed, how to treat them.

The interview coincided with the celebration the following day of the first conference of the sixth edition of the cycle "Dijous de Salut en St. Cugat" - jointly promoted by MútuaTerrassa and the Town Hall of St. Cugat, which focused on recommendations on prevention of eye diseases in adults and children.

Conducted by the journalist Carmen Reverte, the program reserved the space of the interview in depth to Dr. Llonch and during the almost thirty minutes of interview he reviewed some common diseases such as cataracts or glaucoma and also referred to the need to perform ophthalmological examinations for the youngest with the intention of ruling out any pathology since very young.

You can listen to the interview of Dr. Llonch in the" Sant Cugat a fons"