
MútuaTerrassa Universitary Hospitalpal hosts the annual meeting of chiefs of service of Surgery of Catalonia

The auditorium of the Teaching Building was the site chosen for this year's meeting of the chiefs of Surgery of hospitals in Catalonia. Dr. Rosa Asbert, Medical Director of MútuaTerrassa's Service Area and Dr. Salvadora Delgado, Chief of the General Surgery Service of HUMT, were in charge of receiving the 30 professionals who attended.

After a brief presentation of the General Surgery service of the HUMT, Dr. María Esteve, chief of the Digestive Service of the HUMT, and Dr. Mónica Millán, doctor of the General Surgery Service of the Juan XXIII University Hospital, presented the project for the creation of the circuit of referral of patients with EII in Catalonia.

Then, the final program of the Catalan Congress of Surgery and the main novelties that it will introduce (to be held on October 5-6 in the auditorium of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Catalonia) was presented and will also deal with XXIV Days of Surgery to the Catalan Hospitals. The last item on the agenda was related to the next meeting of chiefs of service of Surgery of Catalonia and it was said that it will be organized by Dr. José Campos of the Hospital of Igualada and will be held on March 2 of next year.