
Dr. Mercadé speaks to the local media about the flu vaccination campaign

This year's flu vaccination campaign was launched on October 23 and will continue until the end of November. With the aim of informing the population about the risk groups, the convenience of administering the vaccine and the need to be vaccinated each year due to small changes in the virus, Dr. Mercadé has recently collaborated with several media local communication to do pedagogy on this topic.

So, last Friday, October 20, he was interviewed by Canal Terrassa and the evening news program broadcast a story with his reflections. Wednesday 25 the magazine "La Tarda" of the Xarxa de Emissores Locals (a program made by local stations and broadcast live from Arenys de Mar through the different local stations that participate as is also interviewed.

Finally, on Thursday, November 2, the morning magazine "Sant Cugat a Fons", hosted by Carmen Reverte, reserved the in-depth interview with Dr. Mercadé, who made pedagogy about the importance of the influenza vaccine, especially among the groups risky. Mercadé, explained -among others- that Sant Cugat has planned 6,500 doses of the vaccine and stressed that you have to get vaccinated during the campaign.

News Terrassa Channel
"La Tarda" Xarxa de Emissores Locals
"St. Cugat a fons "Radio