
The health space of the digital newspaper Món Terrassa echoes the benefits of music therapy

Mr. Sergi Muñiz, social educator and music therapist of the Vallparadís Foundation, explained said benefits in an audiovisual

Stimulate positive emotions in people with severe dementia. This is one of the goals pursued by music therapy in people with dementia. It is a therapy used by the Vallparadís Foundation for years within the framework of the Personal Centered Care (ACP) model that works to link music with emotions to help recover meaningful memories of the history of life.

With the aim of knowing in depth the peculiarities of this therapy and the content of the sessions that take place in the Casa Vapor Gran and the residence and the Falguera day center of the Vallparadís Foundation, Mr. Sergi Muñiz was invited by the newspaper digital Món Terrassa to be explained in a brief audio-visual.