
MútuaTerrassa, awarded in Premis Cambra 2017 for its commitment and sustainability

MútuaTerrassa was recognized last night in the framework of the Premis Cambra 2017 in the category of Commitment and Sustainability. This distinction served to highlight the character of social benefit
of the entity and its desire for continuous improvement and preservation of the health and autonomy of the people. The award was collected by the president of the entity, Mr. Jordi Parera from the hands of Hble. Mr. Jordi Baiget, Minister of Enterprise and Knowledge of the Generalitat.

The Premis Cambra is the annual public recognition that the Cambra de Comerç, Industry and Serveis de Terrassa gives to those companies and people that contribute to enhance the social and economic development of its demarcation.

Since its founding in 1900, MútuaTerrassa has expanded its activity to become a reference in the attention to the health of people from the insurance, health care and social welfare areas. With the experience of more than 4,000 professionals, its human team attends more than 2M people a year and trains more than 1,500 students annually.

In terms of commitment and sustainability, MútuaTerrassa has developed a growth policy based on a strong commitment to quality and especially in the field of corporate social responsibility and management. The entity has been recognized for excellence in good practice and quality in 17 editions of the TOP 20 Awards nationwide and has received the Avedis Donabedian Award for excellence in quality in the management of mental health residences as well as Recognition of the Spanish Society for Quality Assistance at the University Hospital MútuaTerrassa as a reference center for the Ictus in the initiative of application of Lean management.

Member of the United Nations Pact, the entity - recognized with the Advanced level - carries out an active policy of sustainable development in the field of energy efficiency and an inclusive and integrative human resources management and talent development with the promotion of the Campus University of Health and the Research and Teaching Foundation. In addition, MútuaTerrassa has the Integralia Vallès Foundation dedicated to the professional insertion of people with physical disabilities.