
MútuaTerrassa participates one more year in the delivery of the certificates of the program "Nascuts per llegir"

On Monday, May 29th, in the Central Library of Terrassa, it's took place the ceremony of delivery of the certificates of the program "Nacuts per llegir". The project, which aims to promote reading among children from 0 to 3 years of age, is a collaborative initiative between the libraries, the CAPs and the families of the city, with the institutional support of MútuaTerrassa and the Consorcio Sanitario de Terrassa.

The ceremony began with the delivery of the certificates to the more than fifty children who attended, accompanied by their relatives. Ms. Laura Pavón, director of the Client Management Area of ​​MútuaTerrassa, attended on behalf of the entity and presented the story "La MArtiNETa", edited this year by the entity on the occasion of the Diada de Sant Jordi.

The program "Nacuts per llegir" has a specific book fund for the babies and a program consisting of more than fifty activities that are developed in the libraries of the city in which several CAPs participate: CAP Terrassa Sur, CAP West, CAP Rambla and CAP Norte (from the Terrassa Sanitary Consortium)

In the program, active for 9 years ago, more than 1,800 families have participated that have opted for reading as a vehicle to promote intellectual and emotional development in early childhood. 280 families participated in this year's edition.