
Mrs. Natalia Valsera participates in the "La nit dels savis" program of Canal Terrassa

Speaking and discussing everything that surrounds the group of older people is the objective of the television program "La nit dels savis", which airs every Friday at 9 pm on Canal Terrassa. Presented by the Jordi Dueso from Egarense, it is an area of ​​dissemination that every week addresses a different issue from the perspective of the greatest.

In this sense, last Friday, November 10, the theme chosen was the "Cuídame" card that CatSalut put into operation last 2012 with the aim of guaranteeing more accessible and more adapted care for people belonging to groups of high fragility. relational. Ms. Natalia Valsera intervened in the program contributing her knowledge in this matter and her experience in the issuance and processing of said card.

In the course of the nearly 60 minutes of the program, Ms. Valsera participated in a discussion table together with other professionals from the same field. This is the case of Mr. Joan Lluís Piqué, head of the Benefits Management Unit of the Citizen Attention Management of CatSalut and Ms. Nuria Labrador, Director of Customer Service of the Terrassa Health Consortium.

According to the format of the program, in addition to sharing the respective contributions about this health resource, all the guests interacted with the public and answered all the questions asked.

To see the program "La nit dels savis" click here