
The radio space El Submarí echoes a study on health and physical exercise in which MútuaTerrassa has participated

Last Thursday, September 13, the radio magazine El Submarí of Radio Terrassa addressed the conclusions of the research project "How the Egarese and Terrassenses manage their health: physical exercise and psychosocial well-being", a work carried out jointly by the Euncet Business School , MútuaTerrassa and the University of Barcelona.

To do this, he interviewed Dr. Nuria Giménez, a labor researcher and member of the Research Unit of the Teaching and Research Foundation. The objective of the interview was to know the various aspects related to the habit of physical exercise in relation to different indicators of physical and psychosocial wellbeing as well as the habits of Terrasans users of sports centers in the city.

As Dr. Giménez explained, the results show that mostly Terrasse athletes feel satisfied with their quality of life. In addition, 70% of the interviewees exceeded the minimum weekly physical exercise recommended by the World Health Organization to obtain benefits for health and well-being. However, differences in sports practice and quality of life were revealed according to gender, children, studies and usual work, among other factors.

This is a work where the main researcher is Dr. Nuria Codina, professor and researcher in Social Psychology at the University of Barcelona, ​​and where Dr. Mª Paola Mastrantonio, professor at Euncet Business School, collaborates as researchers. José Vicente Pestana, professor at the University of Barcelona and Euncet Business School and Dr. Giménez. This study was presented, on July 26, in the auditorium of the Teaching Building and was attended by the director of Euncet, Dr. Dolores Puig, and Mrs. Mª Emilia Gil, attached to the general direction of MutuaTerrassa

Feel the entire interview