
"Practice sports with guarantees: the importance of medical check-ups" in the cycle of the Dijous de Salut in Sant Cugat

Tomorrow Thursday, November 23, will take place the last conference of the cycle of the Dijous of Salut in Sant Cugat of this year 2017, which will be entitled: "Practice sports with guarantees: the importance of medical checks", and will be borne by Dr. Santiago Sabatés, traumatologist, and Dr. Jordi Gibert, specialist in Sports Medicine, both doctors from Àptima Center Clínic MútuaTerrassa and COTCAT.

On this occasion, the conference will focus on the importance of conducting strict medical reviews and tests, by specialists in Sports Medicine, to obtain accurate information to practice sports with guarantees and safety.

We are waiting for you at the Casa de la Cultura of Sant Cugat, at six in the afternoon next Thursday, November 23.