
The Residence and Day Center Falguera, finalist in the 2nd edition of the Nutrisenior Awards

The work presented by this center of the Vallparadís Foundation is entitled "The Culture of the Kitchen" and reflects the good practice carried out in the cooking workshop that takes place weekly in the center. There are a total of 10 finalist initiatives and the act where the 2 winners will be unveiled will be held in Madrid next Thursday, April 19.

In this activity of the cooking workshop professionals of Nursing and Occupational Therapy promote healthy nutrition habits through knowledge and education in food and at the same time promote the autonomy of people with the production and preparation of recipes that are served rest of users and staff of the center.

Each session is structured in two parts: the first one of hygiene and nutritional education and the second where the participants make the established meal that the rest of the center and staff will eat, be it lunch, snack or dinner. Of the dishes prepared in the framework of this workshop highlights the preparation of the appetizer for more than 120 people for the Verbena de San Juan, the realization of different recipes for cakes, food for more than 100 people, or the elaboration of gastronomic elements for the decoration of the center.

Nutrisenior Awards are an initiative of, a search portal for centers of the 3rd age and Fonactiv. The will that they pursue is to recognize the good practices of residences and day centers that, through food and through an ACP, contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of the elderly.