
The service of Gynecology and Obstetrics of MútuaTerrassa presents the novelties of the new protocol of pregnancy

The MútuaTerrasa Perinatal Mental Health Unit stands out, the new protocol on the detection of gender violence during pregnancy and the reactivation of preconceptional consultation

Last July the news was presented to the media that the Gynecology and Obstetrics service has incorporated the new pregnancy protocol presented by the Department of Health.

Specifically, it is the Perinatal Mental Health Unit, of which we spoke in the Briefs of the month of July, as the presentation of the new protocol for the detection of violence in pregnancy and the circuit of action in these cases, which was in charge of Mrs. Olga Ezquerro, midwife of the ASSIR of MútuaTerrassa, and was held together with a training session conducted by Dr. Purificación Navarro, PhD in psychology and psychologist of the Department of Gender Policy of the City of Terrassa , with a long experience in psychiatric disorders during pregnancy and puerperium derived from gender violence.

The day was attended by midwives and gynecologists from our hospital and the ASSIR of MútuaTerrassa, since it was especially aimed at all professionals who are in contact with women in the perinatal stage: pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium (Pediatricians, midwives, gynecologists, social worker, psychologists, family doctors, adult nurses and pediatric nurses).

Reactivation of the preconceptional consultation

Several studies have shown that the indirect causes of maternal death are related to conditions of pre-pregnancy diseases, with genetic and psychosocial factors, which can be detected and, in the main, treated, to eliminate, reduce or control their harmful effects in pregnancy and pregnancy. post natal period. For this reason, the preconception consultation is started, indicated for women with pathological antecedents and also in healthy women as well as their partners.

Preconception care should be understood as the care continues during the reproductive age of the woman so that when she decides to become pregnant she is in the best possible health conditions.