
The intensive medicine service publishes three articles and a video in leading scientific journals

The magazine Medicina Intensiva (Official Journal of the Spanish Society of Intensive Medicine SEMICYUC) of the El Sevier publishing house has published three articles in the month of May involving professionals from the Intensive Medicine Service of our hospital.

The first of these is included in the project called "Commitment to quality of scientific societies" promoted since 2013 by the Ministry of Health, aimed at reducing unnecessary health interventions that have not proven effective, have little or doubtful effectiveness or They are not efficient. The objective of this work entitled Recommendations of '' not to do '' in the Treatment of critical patients is to disseminate the "Recommendations of" What not to do "selected by the different work groups of the SEMICYUC, and where in addition to the participation of the service in the elaboration of the recommendations at the level of the groups, the first signatory and coordinator of the writing is Dr. FJ González de Molina Ortiz, deputy physician of the intensive medicine service.

The following article has counted on the collaboration of Dr. José Trenado, head of the Intensive Medicine Service, along with intensive care services professionals from different hospitals throughout Spain. On this occasion the article is entitled "Transfer of information in Intensive Medicine", focuses on avoiding deficiencies in the transfer of information (IT) that may be associated with important problems in clinical safety and dissatisfaction of both patients and professionals.

The last article, in which Dr. Eduardo Enrique Romay, assistant physician of the Intensive Medicine service of Mutua Terrassa, has collaborated, together with the Intensive Medicine service of the Vall d'Hebron Hospital is entitled "Management of dysfunction myocardial in septic shock: Potential role of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation ".

Finally, we highlight the video published by the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM) on its website within the ICM Pulse initiative, which aims to keep members informed about the most relevant articles published in its official magazine Intensive Care Medicine.

This video is a summary of the most relevant aspects of the article "Resting after a test of spontaneous breathing reduces reintubació bankruptcy Multicenter study" which we echoed in previous Briefs and signed by Dr. Mar Fernández, deputy physician of the Intensive Medicine Service of our hospital.