
The newspaper El Periódico publishes an interview with Dr. Ramon Rami

The "Current People" section of El Periódico de Cataluña on January 9 published an interview with Dr. Ramon Rami. Far from talking about his specialty - lung cancer and thoracic surgery - this time he was asked about his most literary side, specifically about his exceptional interest and knowledge for the life and work of English author Graham Greene.

In the course of the interview, Dr. Rami explains that he has been interested in him since his years in the medical school and that the reading of his books led to an interest in his life, which gave him a deeper understanding of the work and religious thought of Greene.

Dr. Rami also talks about the constitution of the Graham Greene Birthpalace Trust and his regular attendance at the annual Graham Greene festival organized by the Trust. It also refers to the trip that he carried out along the itinerary described in "Monseñor Quijote", which gave him the opportunity to reflect on the underlying message of this travel story and explains, among other things, the various trips he has taken to out to know the scenarios of life and opens the English author.

Read the interview