
Dr. Rami participates in the radio magazine "Sant Cugat a fons" to talk about lung cancer

As a reference professional on lung cancer, Dr. Rami was interviewed on February 14 in the morning radio magazine "Sant Cugat a Fons" to delve a little deeper into this disease.

In this sense and among many other aspects, he explained that this cancer is one of the most numerous and fatal at the time that detailed that it is the first cause of death among women under 70 years of age due to tobacco use. He also detailed the differences between mycotic and non-small cell cancer, referred to the origin of this disease and also talked about the advances in treatments.

The president of the Anita Association, Mrs. Carolina Amado, also intervened, who claimed that childhood cancer is complicated to fight, among other reasons, because the investment of the pharmaceutical industry is not high enough because it is a disease that affects a minority part of society.

Dr. Rami's interview was part of the celebration of World Cancer Day (celebrated on February 4) and Mrs. Amado was interviewed in the context of the World Day Against Childhood Cancer, which was celebrated on February 16 . Both guests concluded that the hope of overcoming these diseases lies in medical research.

You could hear the interview