
The residence "El Tamariu" protagonist in the XII Conference of the Coordinator of Centers of Deep of Catalonia

The professionals of the residence and day center "El Tamariu", located in El Prat de Llobregat and specialized in the care of people with intellectual disabilities, were protagonists in the XII Conference of the Coordinator of Centers of depths of Catalonia (CCPC) , which took place in the Cèntric El Prat Building on October 26th.

The central axis of the day was the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities and the complexity that its application has in practice, in the case of people with a widespread need for general support. In the course of the day, in which the professionals of the Residence "El Tamariu" have actively participated both in the organization and in the presentation of communications, it became clear that today the social inclusion of these people continues being a challenge to achieve.

The event was attended by Mr. Francisco Iglesias on behalf of the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Families and Ms. Pilar Eslava representing the City Council of Prat de Llobregat, as well as several experts and professionals from the sector.

Mr. Ramon Ramells, manager of Sociosanitario AS de MútuaTerrassa and Mr. Xavier Vidal, director of the Residence for people with intellectual disabilities "El Tamariu" concluded the event, which ended with a concert by the percussion group of the School Municipal de Música del Prat de Llobregat.