
MútuaTerrassa reaffirms its commitment to scientific and research work with the award of the Teaching and Research Foundation scholarships

The Teaching and Research Foundation MútuaTerrassa delivered last Friday, November 24, the scholarships awarded annually to various research projects developed within the entity and encompassed in three modalities: Primary Care, clinical hospital or laboratory and social health field.

This commitment to scientific and research work is also evident in terms of trajectory since it is a call with a journey of 13 editions. In this sense, of the total of 19 works presented in this year's edition -corresponding to the year 2016- the winners were the following: "Strategy for the optimization of antibiotics in primary care (PROA-AP)". The main researcher is Dr. Rosa Madridejos, Pharmacist of Primary Care of MútuaTerrassa and was the recognized work in the field of Primary Care.

Regarding the clinical field of hospital or laboratory, the winning work was: "Project epigenesis: epigenetic and genetic neurological evolution post-stroke." The principal investigator is Dr.Jerzy Krupinski, head of the Neurology service of the MútuaTerrassa University Hospital.

Finally, in the social healthcare field the recognized project was: "satisfaction with the residential service in people with intellectual disability and need for generalized support." The principal investigator is Mr. Xavier Vidal, director of the El Tamariu residence and day center of the Vallparadís Foundation.

In all three cases, the prize money is 14,000 euros and the results derived from the completion of these projects, once completed, are expected to be published in indexed journals of national or international prestige.

  • Dr. Jerzy Kuprinsky receives the scholarship from Dr. Carles Fontcuberta
  •  Dr. Rosa Madridejos receives the scholarship from Dr. Xavier Garau
  • Mr. Xavier Vidal receives the scholarship from Mr. Ramon Ramells