
Scientific activity of the Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology Service during the summer

The journals Journal of Orthopedic Case Reports and Journal Hand Surgery and Rehabilitation publish four articles in which service professionals participate.

At the end of July, Dr. Martí Bernaus, Dr. Francesc Anglès, Dr. Agustí Bartra, Dr. Margarita Veloso and Dr. Lluis Font, doctors of the COT Service of HUMT, published an article in the last issue of the Journal of Orthopedic Case Reports, under the title: "Bilateral Rapidly Destructive Osteoarthritis of theHip: Could We be Misdiagnosing? A Case Report".

The article presents the case of an 84-year-old patient who underwent total prosthesis of both hips, diagnosed with Rapid Destructive Arthrosis. The Service is studying whether these cases could have a low-grade infectious origin and therefore samples are taken for microbiological and histological studies. The two interventions followed a different course, despite showing positive cultures in E. faecium.

Also these months of July and August, Hand Surgery & Rehabilitation magazine has published three articles signed by Dr. Jorge Núñez, assistant physician of our COT service, together with specialists from San Juan de Dios Hospital and other hospitals, who treat infrequent pathologies in children.

The first of these articles, "Soft-tissue chondroma within the extensor tendon of the index finger in a child" focuses on the case of a minor patient, 12 years old, who presented a very rare hand tumor in a child, since that it is a type that normally appears in adults over 42 years of age and in the palmar area.

The second article describes ossifying myositis of the hand in a child under 10 years of age. As the previous publication is a very rare pathology in minors. This article deals with the case of a 5-year-old boy who presents a firm mass on the third metacarpal in the area of ​​the palm of the right hand, in addition he had a flexion contracture of the middle finger of 90º in the metacarpophalangeal joint and 30º in both interphalangeal joints.
With these articles the authors propose to expand the diagnoses of pathologies in the pediatric population.

Finally, Dr. Jorge Nuñez published, together with authors of the Hospital Vall d'Hebrón in the journal Clinics Orthopedic Surgery, an article about novelties in the treatment of mucoid degeneration of the anterior cruciate ligament, since it is a rare pathology.

The study aims to provide additional benefits on the excision of total or partial arthroscopy of the degenerated anterior cruciate ligament, being safe and effective in the treatment of mucoid degeneration, improving the satisfaction and function of the knee, without causing clinical instability in daily activities, in patients except for patients with high functional demand who may need a plasty.