
Several professionals of the HUMT participate in the 7th day of the Spanish Society of Wounds

The Vapor Universitari de Terrassa hosted, on October 27, the seventh monographic day of the Spanish Society of Wounds, which counted with the intervention of several professionals of the entity.

In this regard, Mr. David Pérez, nurse of the emergency service of HUMT, and Mr. Jesús Sánchez, nurse of the PADES team of St. Cugat, participated as members of the Organizing Committee. In addition, Mr. Sánchez also intervened as moderator of the round table "Neoplastic Wounds with the capacity for resolution".

For its part, Dr. Xènia Garrigós, plastic surgeon of l'HUMT participated with the presentation "Ulcers in EEII, not all are vascular" and Dr. Xavier Tarroch, head of the Pathological Anatomy Service of HUMT participated with the presentation " Staging System for TNM Tumors ".