
The Diari de Terrassa invites Mrs. Sosa to talk about the adoption of pets as a trend of couples who choose not to have children

The "Gent DT" supplement of the Diari Terrassa on December 16 published a report on the role of pets in the new family models. To illustrate and understand this new trend, the media invited Ms. Charo Sosa to contribute her knowledge in this matter.

In this sense, the clinical psychologist of Àptima Center Clínic Sabadell explains that having pets has become a current trend of many couples who choose not to have children. According to the expert, this decision can be made taking into account very different factors but in any case it is a reality that is progressively generalized.

Ms. Sosa complements the report with an opinion article in which she explains that "a pet can sometimes be used to make an essay in order to have a child". Among other aspects, it talks about the new couples who are identified with the DINK (DoubleIncome, No Kids) sicels, the implications of paternity and motherhood or the responsibilities associated with the possession of a pet.

Read the report

Read the opinion article

  • 16/12/2017 -