
The children's magazine El Tatano addresses hand hygiene inspired by the story "La MArtiNETA"

Under the title "Well cleaned and polished" the children's magazine "El Tatano" has published in its latest issue a report on hygiene habits in the course of which it deals with the importance of brushing teeth, bathing, dressing in clean clothes and washing hands.

In this sense, the page related to hand washing has been oriented based on the story of "La MArtiNETA", the corporate story of the entity published on the occasion of the Sant Jordi Day of last 2017.

The scenarios posed by the report as susceptible to need good hand hygiene later are the same as described in the story and the steps necessary to do it correctly are also those that are collected at the end of the story, thanks to the collaboration of the Committee of Infections of HUMT.

See the entire report