Please contact us for any queries you may have or to schedule an appointment over the phone.
MútuaTerrassa telephone service

MútuaAtenció telephone service
Fundació Integralia Vallès

MútuaAtenció of SANT CUGAT, RUBÍ and OLESA DE MONTSERRAT primary healthcare centres.
+34 93 378 63 00
MútuaAtenció of CAN TRIAS-ERNEST LLUCH primary healthcare centre +34 93 738 40 30
MútuaAtenció of OEST primary healthcare centre
+34 93 738 40 30
MútuaAtenció of RAMBLA primary healthcare centre
+34 93 738 40 30
MútuaAtenció of TERRASSA SUD primary healthcare centre
+34 93 738 40 30
Telephone numbers to schedule an appointment in the following centres:
LA FLORESTA clinic Schedule an appointment over the phone by calling +34 933786300
LES PLANES clinic Schedule an appointment over the phone by calling +34 933786300
ULLASTRELL clinic Schedule an appointment over the phone by calling +34 937384030
VILADECAVALLS clinic Schedule an appointment over the phone by calling +34 937384030
MútuaAtenció is managed by Integralia Vallès Foundation, which is promoted by MútuaTerrassa and the DKV Integralia Foundation. Set up in June 2015, it aims to promote the professional integration of people with physical disabilities in Vallès county and to develop contact centre services to provide the residents in MútuaTerrassa’s coverage area with access to an over-the-phone service.