
Dr. Laura Casas defends her thesis on the cognitive disorder of patients with carotid stenosis

On September 8, Dr. Laura Casas presented her doctoral thesis "Cognitive disorder in carotid stenosis: Neuropsychological assessment and effect of surgical treatment" at the Santa Creu and Sant Pau Hospital. Dr. Maite Garolera, director of the Clinical Unit for Brain Research and Cognition of the CST, was in charge of directing it and Dr. Antoni Bulbena, professor and director of the department of Psychiatry and Legal Medicine of the UAB, to tutor her.

The study, which has received a rating of Outstanding Cum Laude, proposed to study whether patients with carotid artery stenosis present a cognitive impairment higher than the general population and to describe what cognitive functions are altered to identify the predictive clinical profile of those subjects which will have a better cognitive response after revascularization.

The study concluded that patients with Severe Carotid Stenosis (CBD) have a lower basal cognitive function than the general population with the same characteristics. Those patients with CD without neurological symptoms, young and without periventricular white matter lesions and cortical atrophy had a better cognitive response to revascularization.

The court was formed by Dr. Joan Deus, Professor of the Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatment Area of ​​the UAB (president), Dr. Xavier Caldú, interim professor in the department of Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology at the University of Barcelona (Secretary) and Dr. Olga Bruna, Professor at the Faculty of Psychology, Education and Sports Sciences at Ramon Llull University (vocal).

Laura Casas holds a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from the University of Valencia and a master's degree in Adult Psychopathology (UAB), another in Neuropsychology (UAB) and a postgraduate degree in Neuropsychology and Dementia (UOC). His career in the field of psychology began in 1999 in the health sector and in 2002 began to form part of MútuaTerrassa. Currently works in the neurology service of the HUMT as neuropsychologist in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with neurological diseases. In addition, he is part of the Research Unit of this service, where he is a member of the research team on efficacy and safety of new drugs and is responsible for the development of validation studies of neuropsychological instruments, among others.