
Àptima Center Clínic opens new offices in the Station Building

Lends its services to the new site since mid-December

Since last December 18, Àptima Center Clínic has moved its offices in Terrassa Station Building, located in the Plaza de los Derechos Humanos, 3 and inaugurated at the end of last October.

The new offices are located on floor 0 and have meant an increase in terms of space and consultations, as well as an increase in the volume of professionals from different specialties. In addition, a renewal in terms of medical equipment has also been carried out at the new site.

With this transfer, the offices located on Goleta Street are no longer operational. Those of the Plaza Doctor Robert, 5 maintain only the specialty of Sports Medicine - COTCAT as well as the Surgical Eye Center of Terrassa (COQT). As for the specialty of Pediatrics, it is maintained in Castell Street, 31 and incorporates the one that until now was lent in the Goleta Street.