
Dr. Meritxell Mariné receives a scholarship for her work on the natural history of celiac disease

The Association of Celiac Diseases of Catalonia recently delivered a scholarship to Dr. Mariné for her project "Natural History of Celiac Disease (MC)." Long-term longitudinal follow-up of serological markers. of CM and histology in children 1 to 4 years of age. " She is the Principal Investigator (IP) and the work is carried out both in the HUMT and the St. Juan de Dios Hospital in Barcelona.

This scholarship aims to promote possible scientific advances that involve a significant improvement in the quality of life of people with celiac disease, gluten sensitivity or dermatitis herpetiformis and develop knowledge of these pathologies, improving diagnostic methods and disseminating the reality of these disorders.

Apart from this work by Dr. Mariné, the Celiac Association of Catalonia also recognized another project with a grant, in this case presented by the Jordi Gol Primary Care Research Institute and focused on CM in PC and on prevalence and other factors related to adherence to the gluten-free diet, clinical control and quality of life.