
The Coloproctology Unit of HUMT, present at the XXII National Meeting of the Spanish Coloproctology Association

Between the 9th and the 11th of May, Bilbao hosted the celebration of the XXII National Meeting of the Spanish Coloproctology Association. Several professionals of the Coloproctology Unit of HUMT did not want to miss the aforementioned appointment and had a prominent role through their presentations and communications.

In this sense, Mrs. Anna Rodon, stoma nurse therapist and pelvic floor of the unit participated with a guest lecture in the course of Colorectal Nursing and contributed her knowledge in the field of Biofeedback and neuromodulation in the treatment of patients with fecal incontinence.

For his part, Dr. Juan Carlos Baanante, assistant physician of the service, presented an oral communication on sacral neuromodulation in patients with low rectal resection syndrome after a rectal cancer surgery and obtained the second prize for the best oral communication congressional.

Dr. Carlota Cuenca, resident physician, also presented an oral communication, in this case about the results of the TaTME surgery at HUMT and also presented a video about the resources to solve technical difficulties during this surgery in rectal cancer. Dr. Laura Sobrerroca, resident doctor, presented a poster about the resection of a Gist tumor to the ischiorectal fossa (a very rare and difficult to manage entity).

Dr. Arantxa Muñoz, physician attached to the Coloproctology Unit, made two presentations. In the first one, he exposed the evaluation system of patients with fecal incontinence before and after treatment, as well as the circuit of another resolution that we have in the HUMT. And in the second one he showed a video that addressed the Graciloplasty for the treatment of the recto-urethral fistula.

In terms of sacral neuromodulation, three communications took place: one on long-term outcomes including patients with more than 5 years of follow-up, another on the possibility of rescuing patients in whom neuromodulation has not been efficient through a new test in another sacral root and finally, a poster on the usefulness of dynamic Graciloplasty after the failure of neuromodulation.

Finally, Dr. Salvadora Delgado, head of the General Surgery Department of HUMT, gave two presentations. The first focused on the TaTME in rectal cancer and was held under the table "Minimally Invasive Surgery Videos" and the second spoke about sphincter preserving surgery in rectal cancer (TaTME), in this case to the table "Face to face vs the audience".