
The hepatobiliopancreatic surgery unit performs the first surgery of pancreatic head resection by laparoscopy of HUMT

Last March, the Hepatobiliopancreatic Surgery Unit of the General Surgery Department of HUMT carried out a surgical intervention of another complexity: the first operation of pancreatic head by laparoscopy of the center. The surgery in question is called deduodenopancreatectomy cephalic and involves removing the head of the pancreas, the bile duct, the duodenum and part of the stomach for a pancreatic cancer.

This is an intervention that the Unit performs regularly through open channels. In contrast, laparoscopy is a minimally invasive technique that allows visualization of the inside of the abdominal cavity and perform surgery by introducing a camera through the abdominal wall. Recently the professionals of the HUMT have been able to complete it through this techno, fruit of the progressive establishment of it with the aim of minimizing the adverse effects of the learning curve.

The intervention could be completed in just over five hours, a very short time if similar ambexperiències of other centers are compared. The time factor was a very important point for the Unit of Hepatobiliopancreatic Surgery since in no case was it wanted that the fact of approaching surgery by laparoscopy would revert in a prolonged operative time (since it has negative consequences for the patient).

Apart from this milestone in temporal terms, the relevance of the intervention also lies in the fact that the patient did not present any postoperative complications and only required a week after hospitalization.