
"Adaptation and validation of the evaluation scale of the activation" Patient Activation Measure 13 "(PAM13) in a sample of chronic patients visited in CAP Rambla de MútuaTerrassa", WORK WINNER OF THE 24TH EDITION OF THE MUTUATERRASSA NURSING PRIZE

It addresses the adaptation of the American scale "Patient Activation Measure 13" (PAM13) in Catalonia to assess the degree of activation of patients with a chronic disease in relation to their self-care

This afternoon the two prizes of the 24th edition of the MútuaTerrassa Nursing Prize were presented, which this year was organized under the theme "Film nurses: a portrait of the profession?" Within the framework of the International Day of Nursing held last 12 of May.

This is an annual event held to commemorate this event and aims to promote research among nursing professionals of MútuaTerrassa. This year's edition has managed to gather a total of 24 accepted papers (3 more than last year) and the first prize went to the work "Adaptation and validation of the activation evaluation scale" Patient Activation Measure 13 "( PAM13) in a sample of chronic patients visited in CAP Rambla de MútuaTerrassa ", by Cibeles Moreno Chico, Luis González de Paz, Cristina Monforte Roy, Mª Dolores Navarro Rubio and Albert Gallart Fernández Puebla from CAP Rambla MútuaTerrassa, Consorcio de Atención Primaria Izquierda of the Eixample, International University of Catalonia and San Juan de Dios Hospital.

The conclusion of the work has been that the adaptation of the PAM13 scale adapted to the Spanish territory is an instrument equivalent to the original, valid and reliable to assess the degree of activation of patients with chronic diseases in our environment.

The second award went to the work "Current situation of rehabilitation to a polyvalent ICU before the implementation of a program of early mobilization" and in this case the authors of the study are Anna Garcia Segura, Noelia Carrasco Rodriguez, Martha Alvarado Panessa, Alba Girbau Moreno, Maria Salamero Amorós and María del Mar Fernández Fernández of the Rehabilitation Services and UCI of the HUMT. In this case, the purpose has been to analyze the functional level of patients with more than 72 hours of mechanical ventilation.

The awards ceremony was given by Dr. Esteve Picola, general director of MútuaTerrassa, Dr. Carles Fontcuberta, manager of the Service Assistance Area, Mr. Ramon Ramells, manager of the Socio-Service Service Area and Ms. Mª Emilia Gil, attached to the general direction of the entity and Corporate Director of Teaching, Research and Innovation.