
More than 200 professionals from the HUMT join the hand hygiene awareness workshops

As every year, the World Health Organization (WHO) promoted - on May 5 - the World Hand Hygiene Day with the purpose of raising awareness about the importance of hand hygiene as a first step to avoid related infections with health care.

Once again, Mutua Terrassa adhered to the initiative and on the 3rd and 4th of May a participatory action was carried out aimed at all healthcare professionals conceived with the idea of ​​acquiring and training competencies in the field of hand hygiene through simulation.

In this sense, the professionals of prevention and control of the infection stimulated two simultaneous simulation workshops on hand hygiene on the 5th floor of the HUMT. A total of 208 workers participated, including nurses, doctors, trainees, lliterers and physiotherapists.

In addition, the 4th day of the teaching building also hosted a hands-on technique workshop with alcohol-based preparations.Paral·lelament, professionals from the Corporate Services and other departments joined the initiative all being photographed under the banner of the campaign and echoing in social networks.

In order to complement the action, adhesives were also placed in the care units with the aim of informing and promoting hand hygiene among professionals, patients and family members. As every year, the people who participated in the campaign had a small gift as a detail to remember that preventing infections is in our hands.